Third Time’s the Charm

If you are a frequent visitor to the world of Misty’s Laws, you might remember a couple posts I have done previously about a friend of mine, and our often calamitous attempts at going to events together.

(If you are new, go here and here to acquaint yourself with the previous stories of our disastrous nights out).

A couple weeks ago, we tried our third, and possibly final, attempt at going out together.  We were once again trying to go to an anniversary showing of a classic cinematic masterpiece.  Our first foray, Singing in the Rain, malfunctioned before the ending and left us disappointed from having to miss the final 5 minutes of the movie.  This movie would be at the same theater, so we were desperately hoping that they had worked out whatever kinks had occurred to cause the problem we had the previous time.  But, foolhardy and kid-free fancy free, we were willing to take the chance.  Even if it might be the death of one of us (See: my friend passing out at Wicked the last time we attempted to go out).

The movie we saw was a true cinematic classic . . . To Kill a Mockingbird.  It was the 50th Anniversary of the movie’s original theater release.  It had been years since I’d last seen this movie, so I was really excited to see it again, and this time on the big screen.  Hopefully to the very end even!

To Kill a Mockingbird is a movie based on a novel by the same name, by Harper Lee.  This was actually the first book I remember reading in school and falling in love with.  I was in 4th grade.  I remember using a typewriter to peck out words I wrote for a book report on the novel.  Everything about this book touched and effected me in a way that would grip me and shape many of my scholarly choices over the course of my life.  I fell in love with literature because of this book.  I was a voracious reader throughout my school years, and eventually became an English Literature major in college because of my love of just reading books. 

I would go on to read this book multiple times for many other school projects (the danger/benefit of going to 4 different schools before 12th grade is the repeat of certain subject matter), and then on my own a few times after that.  It has been years since I picked up the book, but it still holds a special place in my heart.  I can say with certainty that this is my absolute favorite book (with Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury coming in a very close second).

We started our evening with my friend driving to the event.  I have driven to all the other events, as 1. we were usually running late, 2. I always knew exactly where we were going, and 3. I drive like a speed demon.  On this occasion, however, we were not late and when she offered, I graciously accepted her offer to drive.  I spend close to 3 hours a day driving during my commute, so really it was a welcome break.

We arrived at the theater in a timely manner and even got really perfect seats (as opposed to the last movie where we were the last to arrive and had to sit in the first row, craning our necks up to the screen).  We even had time to run out and get snacks before the movie started.  While we were waiting for the movie to begin, they played a little TCM biography type short about the movie, talking about the awards it won (3 Academy Awards, including best actor for Gregory Peck), some interviews with the cast and crew, and a surprising bit of information to me.  I had not previously known (or I had and just forgot) that Robert Duval plays a vital character in this movie.  And apparently, it was his first cinematic role.  He doesn’t speak at all in the film, but you definitely know it’s him.  Especially after they tell you he’s in it and you are looking for him!

I discovered, as the movie was about to begin, that my friend had not only never seen the movie, but had not read the book.  I guess since I’ve read it so many times, mostly assigned by schools, I just assumed everyone had read it.  It was unfortunate that I didn’t ask her if she had read it when I was getting the tickets, many weeks ago, as I probably would have insisted that she at least attempt to read it before seeing the movie.  But she has vowed to read it now, saying she owns it but has just never gotten around to reading it.  I guess that will just have to do.  Of course, she loved the movie, and even vocally reacted to some of the best scenes (the courtroom verdict being her most vociferous exclamation).  My favorite scene is probably the scene at the jail.  There is just something so moving about innocence triumphing over hatred and anger.

The good news is that we actually got to see the movie in it’s entirety.  Yay!!  The bad news, at least for my friend, is she will apparently have to play chauffeur from now on, as that seems to be the key difference between this successful event and the previous disastrous ones.

And, I’m not sure if you were aware of this, but this movie was not the only significant cinematic event that was scheduled to occur that evening.  As we arrived at the theater, I saw a few people lined up on the side of the aisle leading to the entrance to the theaters, obviously waiting for something to start.  I really didn’t give it much thought . . . that is until we left the movie some 2 1/2 hours later, and that line had grown to this:

That’s right . . . that line (which extended far beyond my camera’s capacity to capture it) was for the opening of the final  episode in the Twilight saga.  When I told my friend, Jen, that I had gone to a movie that night, she asked me if I had gone to see Twilight (threatening bodily harm if the answer given was in the affirmative).  I simply replied with a “have you met me?”  To which, of course, she conceded was a valid point.  But seriously . . . one time showing of a classic cinematic masterpiece of theater based on my all time favorite novel v. sparkly vampire dreck?  Yeah, pretty sure you know which one of those options wins out in my book.


Please tell me you have read and/or seen To Kill a Mockingbird (and refrain from telling me how much you just love Twilight and how you are Team Edward).  What is your favorite book to movie adaptation?

44 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Andrea
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 08:37:23

    Not sure if I should tell you what third thing I thought this post was going to be about! Go ahead and guess. I did read To Kill a Mockingbird in high school, but think I should go back and read it when I don’t HAVE to. Read Twilight books, but haven’t seen any of the movies and looking back can’t say I loved the boooks (now that I have been released from their clutches). I thought the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie was pretty good…hmmm, I should try harder! Lightning Thief…yeah, maybe even harder! So glad your evening worked out!


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 10:50:05

      WHAT??? I have no idea what you thought the third thing was. Is it naughty? Because, then I DEFINITELY need to know!!! 😉

      Those are some good ones. I can’t wait to get the Wimpy Kid series for my son. In a couple years, I think, it will be age appropriate.


  2. She's a Maineiac
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 08:46:47

    That movie is just so mesmerizing. I’ve seen it countless times. I’ve read the book. My husband? he’s never seen nor read it. I know!

    (don’t hate me but…I sorta kinda accidentally not on purpose started watching the first Twilight movie on TV one night and I got hooked and couldn’t stop watching it. Shhh…just keep this between you and me, k?)


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 10:53:42

      How can you be married to a man who has NOT read that book?? Wait, has my hubs read it? Crap. Ok, nevermind . . . 😉

      Well now, I guess I’m gonna have to hate you. The other night I came home late and my au pair was sitting in the living room watching one of them (I think the first one). I was like “ugh.” This is when she thought she’d explain to me the concept of the movie (he’s a vampire, they’re in love, they can’t be together because he would kill her, etc. . . um, thanks? I was at Target . . . not an extended stay on the planet Cryptor!). I saw Kristen Stewart’s mug and a second of her “acting” and had to run out of the room.


  3. Go Jules Go
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 08:56:03

    Whaaaaaaaaat are you trying to doooooo to me here this this question, Misty?!?!

    Okay, to give myself a little credibility first: As a kid, I didn’t HAVE to read To Kill A Mockingbird, but did so OF MY OWN choosing, and loved it.

    Now. Let’s talk about Twilight. Breaking Dawn was sooo my fav book of the saga. I took off of work last Friday to go see a 10am showing with Babs. Don’t be jealz.

    Lastly, this is a fabulous theory re: driving. That works out swimmingly. Now get some of those little boxes of wine for your puse before the next date!


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 10:55:51

      Mad props for recognizing the brilliance of the book without it being assigned by school.

      But major points deducted for taking off a day to go see that movie!! Bad form, Julesy. :p

      Oh yeah, the wine is a great idea!! Maybe if we’d had wine at the first showing, we wouldn’t have minded so much. 😉


  4. tori nelson
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 09:14:42

    Ahhh! One of my favorites. I named my dog Jean Louise Finch but called her Scout. Most of my friends didn’t get it, so I had to get new friends 🙂


  5. The Byronic Man
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 09:21:33

    Who hasn’t read “Mockingbird”? Seriously. Or at least pretended to read it in high school while sulking and rebelling against The Man by refusing to be exposed to a classic story.

    And it’s a perfect movie. Just perfect. But, did Robert Duvall ever have hair? Ever?


  6. agirlwhogames
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 09:51:31

    I read To Kill a Mockingbird several times during my school years. It was the first book I read that was set in the “real” world and it was the first book that made me think about how the world works. Every time I read it, I discovered something new. I need to re-read it again now that I’m an adult.

    My ninth grade English teacher showed us the movie after we read the book. Gregory Peck is brilliant and so understated for most of the movie. It’s one of the few book-to-movie adaptations that does justice to the intentions of the author.

    As for my favorite book-to-movie adaptation? Has to be Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson did a great job of cutting the BS from the novels while staying true to the beautiful, epic saga that Tolkein wrote.


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 10:59:53

      It definitely not only does it justice, but I feel actually enhances it. And that’s huge coming from me, because I am brutal about novel to movie adaptations.

      I also enjoyed the LOTR movies more than the books. There was just SO MUCH in those books, it was sometimes difficult to slog through. The movies did a good job of picking out the key moments.


  7. bluzdude
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 11:31:17

    Favorite book-to-movie? Jaws, hands down.


  8. Leauxra
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 11:37:16

    Annnd… Now I want to write a series of supernatural action/romances based on old books… “To Kill a Vampire”… obvious plot there. “The Sound and the FURRY” (werewolves, obviously.

    And I loved all of the books I “had” to read in school… up until the point that the various teachers tried to ruin them for me by making me analyze them (this is why I didn’t go into literature in school), and to this day still read books that I think SHOULD have been assigned in school but I never read.

    And my grade school friend and I read “To Kill a Mockingbird” in the third grade, even though it wasn’t assigned until fifth, I think. But the teacher left a stack of books sitting out, and we borrowed them. When we brought them back a couple weeks later, she quizzed us about them and let us keep them, saying she’d ordered too many. It was like being rewarded for stealing! I have never forgotten that lesson…


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 11:14:15

      Wow . . . so I think we’ve pinpointed your entry into your current life of crime! Good job, teacher!

      And I love the book idea. Your illustrations would be awesome!


  9. Melissa
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 11:40:27

    One of my favorite books ever. I have a stuffed animal named Boo Radley. Need to re-read for sure.

    And I only read the first Twilight because I was told I couldn’t bash it without evidence. One book gave me enough to complain about.


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 11:15:12

      I’ve heard people say that you can’t make fun of something unless you have read/experienced it. I do not think that is true of Twilight. I think just reading the first sentence and/or seeing Kristen Stewart try to “act” is plenty!


  10. pegoleg
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 13:52:57

    That is one of my 20-year-old daughter’s all time favorite books -she stole it when her older sister was supposed to be reading it in grade school, and has seen the movie multiple times. This same daughter (and sister) went to the opening night of Twilight this weekend.

    In the great, human experience maybe there’s room in our hearts, our minds and our theaters for both kinds of art and entertainment. (Not that I’ve ever read any of that Twilight crap.)


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 11:16:32

      Ah Peggle-san. You are so wise and zen about these things. Acceptance for all peoples is truly an enlightened state of being. Just as long as I never have to read or see any of that Twilight drek, I am all for it!


  11. bschooled
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 14:21:35

    What’s Twilight?


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 11:18:10

      It’s that magical time of the evening when the sun has sunk below the horizon and the moon and stars are just starting to shine. It has absolutely nothing to do with sparkly vampires. Don’t let anyone corrupt your obviously innocent mind, B!


  12. Mandi
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 14:34:30

    Gawd… Twilight would definitely explain why the movie theater by our place was so packed on Friday. I think some leftover turkey’s trying to come back on me…

    Anywhore… yes, I’ve ready To Kill a Mockingbird. First time in 8th grade honors English. Again as a sophomore in High School. A third and fourth time in two different college courses. It’s a good book. My favorite book to movie adaptation though is probably Lord of the Rings. A little light on content, but those movies were already 12 hours long with the extended editions. Tom Bombadil just couldn’t make the cut.


  13. Jen
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 17:04:51

    Love that book, and love that movie. LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE!!! It is no small coincidence that I call my boys “Scout” and “Boo”. 🙂


  14. Lisa
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 20:58:08

    Love the book and movie too!! Another good one is “Where The Heart Is”. Certainly not on the same page as “Mockingbird”, but still good.


  15. renée a. schuls-jacobson
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 21:45:18

    I also loved TKAM, and I think the book is half of the reason why I ended up as an English teacher. I have taught this classic to hundreds of students, and it never gets old. I wanted to name my son Atticus, but my husband refused. He’s a science-guy. Meanwhile, one of my former students just told me she plans to name her soon-to-be born son Atticus. I will be living vicariously. 😉


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 11:24:37

      Atticus has become more popular over the years, as it should. Man, I can’t believe you let your hubs veto your name choice! I mean, you’re the one who had to push that bundle of screaming joy out, right? Shouldn’t you get to name him???

      Ok, there may be some residual resentment over the fact that MY hubs vetoed my favorite name as well. Damn men, thinking they have a say in the naming of their sons. Pfft!


  16. Deborah the Closet Monster
    Nov 27, 2012 @ 00:27:47

    I hate to say this, but . . . I’ve neither read the book nor seen the movie. I started the book many times in youth, but it never captivated me the way many other books did. I want to revisit it now, through a different lens.

    My fiancee, for his part, has demanded I watch the movie as part of a movie project he’s foisted upon me. Perhaps I should read the book before I watch the movie?

    As for your adaptation question . . . Lord of the Rings, hands down!


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 11:25:46

      Definitely try it again, before you see the movie preferably. You will probably enjoy it now. But even if you don’t, I’ll try not to hold it against you. 😉

      Another LOTR vote!


  17. thoughtsappear
    Nov 27, 2012 @ 07:55:19

    I thought everyone had to read Mockingbird, too. How did she fall through the cracks of our educational system?


  18. Vesta Vayne
    Nov 27, 2012 @ 17:05:50

    Waaa? How has your friend never read the book? I thought everyone had to read it in school?

    Lord of the Rings, as many people already mentioned, was an excellent adaptation. I’d have to say my favorite is the Swedish version of Let the Right One In, with East of Eden being a close 2nd.


  19. Kitten Thunder's Girl
    Nov 27, 2012 @ 17:27:13

    The Silence of the Lambs is a pretty good adaptation of the book. They actually did a pretty good job with all the movies – except, you know, totally changing the ending.

    I haven’t read A Time to Kill or Cider House Rules, but I will some day because books are always better than the movies and those movies are awesome.

    I’m a little bit afraid of Cider House Rules, though, because it comes up whenever people talk about how badly The Help slaughtered the book. I have a true, blinding rage about how badly the movie destroyed The Help – I’m slowly getting over it. I’d hate to feel that rage about Cider House Rules.

    Also, part of why I love TKAM is that Harper Lee is the combination of two last names in my family. As a kid, who didn’t understand how things work, I figured I had to be related.


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 11:29:10

      Yeah, Silence was pretty good. The sequels not as much.

      I’ve read A Time to Kill. It was quite good. I have not read Cider House, but seen the movie.

      Hey, you never know . . . maybe you ARE related. 😉


  20. Valerie
    Nov 27, 2012 @ 19:30:02

    Listen… I’ve never read the book and am really not all that into classy movies (aka movies without zombies), but I would rather watch this, or rather any other movie in existence, before watching any Twilight movie!!! THEY RUINED VAMPIRES!!!! >:0(




  21. Brett Minor (@brettminor)
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 06:52:15

    I have never read nor seen any of the Twilight series. I love To Kill a Mockingbird. I even tried to name my daughter Scout after the girl in the book, but my wife wouldn’t go for it.

    Interview With a Vampire was a great book to movie adaptation.


    • mistyslaws
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 11:30:53

      Did you try Jean Louise? And then you could have just called her Scout.

      Interview was a pretty good adaptation. The book was far superior and darker, though. With much less Tom Cruise.


  22. Cheryl S.
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 09:27:45

    To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book EVER. I read it the summer I turned 10. I think I read it 5 times in a row. The movie is a classic. I was also an English Lit major in college so maybe it has that effect on people!

    Another great adaptation (and my favorite movie of all time) The Godfather.


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