Muy Frio

Cold.  But not just cold.  Not “hey, put on a jacket, it’s a bit nippy out” cold.  This is a cold that attacks all of your exposed skin with tiny sharp prickly knives.  A cold that will require an extra 10 minutes of preparation just to face it, wrapping up as much skin as possible with protective cottons, leathers and nylons.

Cold that feels like a physical presence you must move through and around to reach your eventual destination.  A destination that will lock out the cold and slowly thaw your freezing extremities.

A painful cold that you breathe into your lungs, only to then expel a cloud of vapor as the warmth visually seeps out of your body.

A cold you cannot even really contemplate until it hits you in the face upon exiting your home in the morning.  A cold that is reportedly 9° in the early morning before the sun has a chance to crest the horizon.  A cold that even late in the day, has only doubled to about 18°.

Cold that you will avoid unless absolutely necessary.  A cold that tries to trick you into disbelieving the reports of its brutality, appeasing and cajoling you with a bright and sunny day.  A cold against which the weak mid-winter sunshine has no power.

Cold that initiates a Code Blue in the city, enabling homeless and elderly to seek additional shelter, to avoid the very real chance of freezing to death on the streets.  A cold that forces water mains under city streets to break.

Cold like an ominous intruder, crawling over and peeking into your home, forcing your central heating to keep constant vigilance against this attempted menacing intrusion.

Cold that frightens you while standing in your kitchen late at night, when you hear the sound of an explosion outside of your home, while simultaneously seeing what looks like a dirty snowball flung against your back porch window. A cold that causes metal to be shoved and stretched by the frozen ice crystals of the caffeinated beverage within, eventually bursting through the twisted and sliced-open metal in an explosion of slushy soda.  A cold that freezes your own resolve to remove the remaining soda cans from the back porch and bring them into the warmth of the house, for fear that they will then explode and coat your kitchen with syrupy slush.


A cold that makes you long for the beaches and gentle breezes of summertime.  A cold that gives you amnesia, erasing all your memories of frolicking in shorts and flip-flops.  A cold that seems to last for an eternity.  To deny even the existence of spring, which seems like years, and not just a few short months away.  A cold that lives deep inside of you and refuses to acknowledge an eventual thaw.

Unrelenting.  Cold.

37 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mandi
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 08:41:45

    I hear you. I feel you. I had to walk to appointments earlier this week when it was -5 on a day where we topped out at 0 degrees. Today, I was treated to a fresh blanket of snow, with more on the way. Day 5 since order – still no shipment on my new coat. If we don’t perish, we will emerge into spring as crocuses from the still snow-patched ground.

    And in no time at all, wishing that it weren’t so damn hot and humid outside.


  2. Valerie
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 08:45:22

    It’s so cold this morning, that whilst i was walking the kids into school i actually contemplated peeing on myself for that quick shock of warm. But then i had a vision of me having to chip away at my froze jeans in order to get them off. Then i decided against it. Maybe I’ll just buy a hat or something instead.




  3. bluzdude
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 09:39:33

    Just remember that we have it good. There are many places where it’s like this all winter.


  4. Hippie Cahier
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 10:03:33

    So, what you’re saying is, it’s a good day for hot chocolate?


  5. The Byronic Man
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 10:46:25

    We’ve had totally bizarre weather here. Right now we’re in the middle of a jarring warm spell (in the 50’s, when normally it’d rarely rise above freezing at the warmest part of the day). For a while it pin balled between that and single-digit temperatures. Juuuuust as you started to acclimate, it’d swing to the other extreme.


    • mistyslaws
      Jan 31, 2013 @ 11:36:04

      That always gets me. One day it’s 70, the next it’s 20 . . . and then back to 40 two days later. It’s the pinballing that always gets me sick. My body just can’t adjust.


  6. Go Jules Go
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 11:34:40

    This was so well written, Misty! I love it. I’d love it even more if I was enjoying it from beneath a palm tree, instead of in the muy frio weather with you.


    • mistyslaws
      Jan 31, 2013 @ 11:37:25

      Thank you! And yes, I hear you. Nothing like enjoying a post about cold weather with a frosty beverage in your hand and a tropical landscape in front of you.


  7. Jennifer June Clark
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 12:05:12

    See, this is why folks move to Arizona and California in droves! I left Michigan a long time ago, but I still remember -20 degrees. Three pairs of mittens. Getting stuck in my snow pants ’cause the zipper froze.

    No. Thank. You.

    Try to keep warm, dearie! Hot toddies are good!


    • mistyslaws
      Jan 31, 2013 @ 11:38:39

      I would love to live someplace where it is 75* year round. San Diego sounds about right. 😉

      I was never a fan of the hot toddies. I guess it’s because I don’t really like whiskey all that much. It’s whiskey, right? I forget. But whatever it is, I’m not really a fan.


  8. Kitten Thunder's Girl
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 13:36:10

    Very touching. I must live near The Byronic Man, because I too am in the freaky warm when usually it is below zero zone. But I feel your pain. Or cold.


  9. She's a Maineiac
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 13:54:55

    Loved this, and it must be very well written for me to ‘like’ cold. I am currently shivering and it’s not going away. Bring on spring!


  10. pegoleg
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 14:11:49

    Jeez. That’s cold.


  11. TheOtherLisa
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 16:37:11

    I can stand cold. I may bundle up like the little brother in A Christmas Story, but I can take it. Combine cold with this vicious wind and it feels like it’s coming to get me and it’s personal. Brrr.


    • mistyslaws
      Jan 31, 2013 @ 11:42:14

      We have the wind today. It sounded like my house was gonna topple last night, and the electricity even blinked out for a full minute right before I was about to blow dry my hair this morning. Yeah, wind can bite my ass!


  12. rachelocal
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 17:04:39

    I can’t get warm, Misty. I’ve taken two showers today and I’m currently drinking my third cup of tea. I’ve been worried about my homeless friends! We dropped propane off at a homeless friend’s tent. Yes, a tent. He won’t go to a shelter though. Ah! It’s too cold for tents and propane.


    • mistyslaws
      Jan 31, 2013 @ 11:43:13

      I hope they survived the worst of it. It’s weird how stubborn people without will get. And no amount of logic will convince them otherwise. Stay warm!!


  13. andrea-maybe it's just me
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 21:04:02

    I like the cold and winter in general…there I said it. I do recognize how grateful I need to be that I have a home and brand new furnace (admittedly begrudgingly paid for) on this week that has seen -5 (with a -10 windchill)


  14. One Old Sage
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 21:12:14

    Having survived that type of cold growing up and working on the Canadian prairies, I feel your pain. Keep the socks on and the sweaters close at hand.


  15. Vesta Vayne
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 22:52:26

    Oh my goodness, that is hard for me to imagine. Never in my life have I experienced temperatures that low – I wouldn’t know what to do!


  16. cestlavie22
    Jan 26, 2013 @ 09:36:36

    Yup this post basically sums up how I have been feeling for the last few weeks. When the numbers get to be single digits on the weather forecast I am not a happy camper! Lets think ahead to warmer times!


  17. transformednonconformist
    Jan 27, 2013 @ 02:54:49

    I hate it. Cold makes me want to just die.


  18. Valentine Logar
    Jan 27, 2013 @ 08:31:59

    A very good description of anything below 40 for me. I suspect you are talking about something much colder though, aren’t you?


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