I Like Big Bowls and I Cannot Lie

I have recently come to the realization that I may have a problem.

See, some women are addicted to shoes.  Not me.  I probably own about 12 pairs . . . total.

And other woman are all about the expensive handbags.  However, I usually buy one big black all-purpose bag and use it until it basically (and sometimes literally) falls apart.  So, yeah, that’s not my thing, either.

What is my thing, you might ask?  Well, apparently my thing is . . .


Yep, I can’t get enough bowls.  Big bowls, little bowls, even bowls with feet.  But not just any bowls.  Cheap plastic bowls from Target.

You see, another thing that you might or might not know about me (and will pretty much disqualify me from that sacred Girls’ Club I’ve always aspired to joining . . . nobody talks about it or anything, I’m assuming that’s one of their rules, but I just know it exists!), but I HATE to shop.  Yes, that is capital letter H-A-T-E, hate.  The thought of a trip to the mall, for me, is like going to the 9th circle of hell . . . it’s super hot, overcrowded with obnoxious and horrible people, and unfortunately, some place that I eventually will have to end up.

The one exception to this “shopping is hell” rule of mine, is the gloriousness that is Target.  I have a love/hate relationship with Target.  I absolutely love going there, but I really hate how much I spend every time I go.  So I avoid going to Target unless it is absolutely necessary, because I know when I do, I will inevitably walk out of there $200 or more poorer.


I recently went there on one of my “can’t avoid it any longer” trips.  I had a list of about 5 things, as I always do, and knew full well that I would get about a bajillionty more items than that.  It is inevitable and I’ve made peace with it.  I found myself walking through the home section, where I always seem to find some interesting things for my kitchen.  On the Clearance shelf, I came across a couple of things that I just could not resist.  A utensil holder that will be great for any outdoor barbeques by the pool, and a couple of little bowls with feet that will be great for salsa or guacamole.  So adorable.

When I brought home my treasures and began to unpack them, my husband was currently loading the dishwasher.  I pulled out my little bowls and placed them directly on the top rack, saying to him, “look I’m helping!  And guess what, sweetie . . . I got some more bowls!!”  His response:  “Oh good, because I think we might have been running out.”

For some reason, I don’t think he was quite as thrilled with my new acquisitions as I was.  I really can’t understand why . . .

Picture 8791


Picture 8786

You never know when you are gonna need about 20 bowls full of chips.

Picture 8788

To be fair, the green and white bowls on the bottom are from my wedding! So there.

Picture 8789

Yeah, there’s no excuse for this. I bought them all.

Picture 8790

They’re just so tiny! And colorful! And adorable!

What?  I mean, it will only become an issue if I run out of room for the bowls!!

Ok, fine.  I may have a problem.  The first step is admitting it, I guess.  But, I can quit if I want!  Really, it’s not like I need the bowls or anything.  They are just so adorable and useful!  And it seems like every time I go to Target, they have new designs and colors and styles and . . .

I think I need to go shopping.


What are your out of the ordinary obsessions/addictions?  Please share so I don’t feel quite so bizarre and alone!

67 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. donofalltrades
    May 07, 2013 @ 09:00:18

    As a grown ass man who still enjoys his goodly sized bowls of Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms, I appreciate your fine bowl collection. As a husband who often has to do the dishes at home…….yeah, you might need to knock it off. Lol.


  2. hiddinsight
    May 07, 2013 @ 09:00:49

    Ummmm…I have a bigillionty pairs of mittens…and I’ve never been somewhere and suffered from cold hands…does that count?


  3. aliceatwonderland
    May 07, 2013 @ 09:16:18

    I might need to borrow some of your bowls. With all the ones we have, we still never have clean ones for cereal. I’m constantly buying cheap cups too. And socks should just be disposable. Right now I’m buying lots of stupid yoga stuff. I’ll find another addiction before long.

    I’m not big on handbags, shoes, or crowded malls either. I’m at work and I’m wearing tennis shoes with my slacks and so far no one’s noticed so I’m going to keep to it.


  4. Hippie Cahier
    May 07, 2013 @ 09:24:37

    The first step is admitting you have a problem. Good for you.

    For me it’s cake pans, especially cupcake or petit fours pans. Oh, man, do I need to steer clear of the clearance shelf at TJ Maxx. This weekend they had the most adorable butterfly-shaped tea cake molds. Wilton has my number big time. Stay strong, Misty.


  5. NATurally Inappropriate
    May 07, 2013 @ 09:39:08

    I wrote a blog like this about a year ago, when I realized I had bowls exploding from my cabinet, while trying to make room for more bowls. This stupid post doesn’t even count the ramekins and other serving bowls — these are just the bowls I count as ‘dishes’. I’m glad I’m not alone in my bowl problem.


  6. Don't Quote Lily
    May 07, 2013 @ 09:49:37

    Aw, they are cute! As long as your bowls don’t end up stuffed in closets, in the kids rooms or anything, you’re fine. If you walk into your house and trip over a pile of bowls then THAT’S a problem. 😉

    I like collecting journals… Some of them are so pretty and colorful but I have absolutely nothing to write in them. =/ Still, I love them anyway.


    • mistyslaws
      May 22, 2013 @ 15:43:59

      For the moment, I have room for them all. When it gets overbearing, I DO get rid of some stuff. No, no NOT the bowls. Other stuff. 😉

      Journals are indeed very pretty. I don’t write in them, either, but I like them just the same. Rock on, girl.


  7. renée a. schuls-jacobson
    May 07, 2013 @ 10:05:40

    Omigosh! That is soooo funny! At least they all kind of nest inside each other. I collect Fiesta Ware. I can’t resist it. It doesn’t matter if I have 23 of them. It’s coming home with me. I’m not allowed to go to tag sales anymore. 😉


    • mistyslaws
      May 22, 2013 @ 15:45:21

      I’ve seen some pictures of your fiestaware. Very pretty! But 23 pieces, wow! Do you have them split between the 2 houses, because that’s A LOT?


  8. JM Randolph
    May 07, 2013 @ 10:12:00

    Baby got Bowl! Damn, you got bowl, girl! That’s awesome. I have noticed that I don’t gravitate so much towards any one thing as I do any one color. One year it was purple. I stopped it when I realized I was leaving for work and my purse, coat, shirt, scarf, and a bunch of other stuff were all purple. It’s not something I ever notice until it gets to that point. I moved on to orange. Now apparently it’s aquamarine- I was going out to work yesterday and noticed that both my tea mug and water bottle are the exact same shade of that.


  9. thoughtsappear
    May 07, 2013 @ 11:03:57

    You should host a blogger brunch. We’ll all bring a box of cereal.


  10. Mandi
    May 07, 2013 @ 13:14:07

    Shoes? Hell to the nah! I own 6 pairs, two of which are flip flops. Purse? I own one and I’m using it and it will be my one and only until all my lovelies are falling out of the bottom. For me, it’s fabric. Especially that remnant bin, because outdoor fabric and ultra cuddle are expensive, yo!


  11. Andrea @ Maybe It's Just Me
    May 07, 2013 @ 14:18:34

    Do you have enough spoons for all of those? I love them all! I have been shopping and returning things at tjmaxx and marshalls for two weeks. I have an issue with books!


  12. dirtyrottenparenting
    May 07, 2013 @ 14:58:41

    We finally have Target in town. It opened this morning. I’m not brave enough to go during the first week. I also doubt they’re going to have a clearance section yet. That’s always my favourite section.


  13. rachelocal
    May 07, 2013 @ 15:04:44

    Your bowls are fabulous! I love this about you.

    I do the same thing with glassware. Especially wine glasses or tiny vintage juice glasses.


  14. totsymae1011
    May 07, 2013 @ 15:08:23

    I have met my twin. I love bowls too. And flower pots. I don’t have a green thumb at all but I like them. Something about the artistry in them, I guess.


  15. Nelson - One Old Sage
    May 07, 2013 @ 15:47:33

    I’m not a big shopper either and neither is my wife. However, Target has just moved into Canada in a big way and our local store will be opening later this year. It’s closer than Walmart and from what I can gather is a better shopping experience. Maybe a shopping place for non-shoppers as you point out?


  16. Maggi Shelbourn
    May 07, 2013 @ 15:57:16

    My weakness is books! Hardback, paperback, e-books, audio books….I keep telling my husband that I will read (or listen to) them ALL eventually; I like to have choices…and I do read A LOT, but that’s my guilty pleasure… purchasing books… but come to think of it, I really could use a couple more bowls, too. To quote The Bloggess “at least it’s not towels…”


    • mistyslaws
      May 22, 2013 @ 15:51:15


      I admit that I might be slightly obsessed with books as well. They are scattered all over my bedroom, and I have an entire bookcase full of ones I have queued up to read. I hear ya sistergirl!


  17. Rosie
    May 07, 2013 @ 16:55:44

    I like Target, too! I always go through all the junky little toys they have at the ends of the aisles. I can’t get enough novelties! 🙂


  18. Bluzdude
    May 07, 2013 @ 19:58:31

    You are literally Bowling for Dollars.


  19. She's a Maineiac
    May 07, 2013 @ 20:25:31

    I’m with you, I hate shopping in general, I don’t buy shoes, I only have a few pairs. But I love Target. I also have lots of bowls, the little ones are great for the kids when they just want a small snack. But lately I’ve been ‘collecting’ wine glasses. I just bought four more the other day. I may have a problem.


    • mistyslaws
      May 22, 2013 @ 15:52:36

      It’s only a problem if you run out of wine to FILL all of those glasses. Speaking of which, I’ll be over in an hour. Open up a fresh one, wouldja?


  20. flyingplatypi
    May 07, 2013 @ 21:42:33

    I love you because you make my mannequin part obsession look normal!! ;0)




  21. agirlwhogames
    May 08, 2013 @ 09:52:27

    My collections consist of those Willow Tree figurines, Christmas ornaments, and tiny bells. My roommates and family think the figurines are creepy as hell, since they don’t have faces. I’ve actually had friends hide them in a cupboard when they crashed on my couch so they wouldn’t have to have their faceless faces staring at them all night. And I collect a tiny bell and a Christmas ornament from every place I go, even if I’m only there overnight. I was forced to get my own tree this past Christmas, because my roommates claimed (correctly) that their ornaments wouldn’t fit on the 7 foot tree with all of mine on there.


    • mistyslaws
      May 22, 2013 @ 15:54:47

      Ahhh, you are a kitsch collector. I can see how those would be a tad bit creepy if one was trying to sleep in a dark room. Sorry, gonna have to side with the roommates on this one! I still love you, though. 🙂


  22. pegoleg
    May 08, 2013 @ 14:46:05

    I have no problem with your awesome bowl collection. What I want to know is, how big is your kitchen that you can STORE all those bowls? Or have you given up on extraneous kitchenware like plates and cups to make room?


    • mistyslaws
      May 22, 2013 @ 15:56:33

      Nobody is allowed to eat or drink on/in/with anything but bowls. I have also outlawed utensils to make room for my bowls. Makes consumption of a steak an interesting endeavor, that’s for sure! 😉


  23. joeinvegas
    May 08, 2013 @ 19:29:21

    Coffee cups. Some company gives away a coffee cup and I’m there. Do I use them? No, always pick my old favorite, and when people come over they get pretty ones, not the advertising ones.


  24. Vesta Vayne
    May 09, 2013 @ 12:59:57

    We only have four bowls. Actually, we only have four of everything. There are two of us, so it works, plus it’s pretty much impossible for dishes to pile up.

    I have an obsession with nighties. I must have 50 of them, and yet if I see a cute one, I can’t stop myself from buying it. My husband has a bazillion western shirts, the kind with pearl snaps. He could probably go six months straight without wearing the same one, it’s ridiculous.


    • mistyslaws
      May 22, 2013 @ 15:58:35

      Four would work for you guys. It’s the kids that do it to us (or that’s the excuse I use, anyway!).

      I sleep in old soft T-shirts, so I don’t even OWN a nightie. Does your husband just wear those western shirts around LA all unironically? Do people think he’s a hipster?


  25. jen102870
    May 09, 2013 @ 13:23:04

    Bowls imply cooking, so. . .no. Just. . .no. That being said, I have 27 pairs of heels and a lingerie collection that would make a Victoria’s Secret model say “Damn, that’s a lot of undies, yo.”


  26. thesinglecell
    May 11, 2013 @ 09:52:08

    Is it weird that all I can think is, “How much cabinet space does she HAVE?!” But Target… yeah. It’s cunning. I swear, you always actually need the things you come out with when you’ve gone for two things and leave having forgotten one because you got distracted by glassware.


    • mistyslaws
      May 22, 2013 @ 16:01:30

      I always have a list of like 5 things. Invariably, I only get 2 of them, but it doesn’t stop me from purchasing 87 OTHER things. It’s evil, that place.


  27. Carrie - Cannibalistic Nerd
    May 15, 2013 @ 15:20:14

    My sister actually made up a song called “Glasses and Bowls” which was about how Tom and I do not need any more glasses and bowls. Glasses is the bigger problem for me – I love old glass character glasses and am rapidly running out of room.


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