Say What?

My good friend*, Leanne Shirtliffe, Canadian extraordinaire, and author of the phenomenally funny Don’t Lick the Minivan, and other things I never thought I’d say to my kids, has begged asked me to guest post** on her hilarious blog, Ironic Mom, because she really needs some help*** maintaining the funny on her site while she’s busy promoting her fabulous new book!  So, being the kind and giving soul that I am, I graciously accepted her kind entreaty, and have whipped up a brilliant post,**** and allowed her to use it for her White Board Wednesday series. 


*And by “friend,” I mean that I’ve never met her and she pretty much has no idea that I even exist, since she’s all famous and whatnot and I am a mere lowly and inconsequential blogging novice.

**And by “asked me to guest post,” I mean that she sent out a general “who wants to guest post?” request, to which I leapt at the chance.
***And by “she really needs some help,” I obviously mean that the level of funny has not dipped in the slightest since her book came out, and honestly, I might just bring it down a few notches.
****And by “brilliant,” I really mean . . . meh.

So, if you want to see what I’ve come up with for her blog, mainly involving inappropriate things to say to kids, then head on over here and check it out.

10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. donofalltrades
    Aug 14, 2013 @ 08:38:28

    You’re not right in the head, but that’s why I loves ya.


  2. Andrea @ Maybe It's Just Me
    Aug 14, 2013 @ 08:47:18

    Wow, you’ve really sold it..heading over!!! 😉


  3. bluzdude
    Aug 14, 2013 @ 13:27:36

    A lawyer riding to the rescue… go figure. ;o)


  4. joannerambling
    Aug 14, 2013 @ 19:20:00

    So now I am being directed somewhere else, so I will go there now and have a read


  5. sarah9188
    Aug 14, 2013 @ 21:40:11

    Inappropriate giggling over here.


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